Gambia is the smallest country in Africa.
With tropical temperatures from 25 to 30 degrees it is the perfect place to be. The local people will warmly welcome you with a big smile.
The Gambian people are generous, warm and they have a positive outlook on life. Gambia is a developing-country.
65% of the Gambian people live below the poverty line. There are many (western) projects to support the local people. Tourism has been increasing in recent years in Gambia, partly because of western investments. Thanks to these investments more people have work and an income.
Discover Gambia with a local guide to keep the money with the local people
Discover how nice it is to go on a trip with a local guide. Many touroperators have there own excursions.
If you want to keep the money in Gambia, get yourself a local guide, like Dembo Trips.
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+220 720 9251
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